Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Program Design and Evaluation Process

This article will address the data collection of aggressive behavior incidents at Pathway High School. We will address several different data collections and measurements to the following subjects: The occurrences of aggressive behavior incidents reported before and after a program implementation, the data and success rate on the behavior correction procedures in the classroom by teachers and the success rate to the implementation of the School-Wide Positive Behavioral Support (SWPBS) program, within Pathway High SchoolWe will use the already recorded data from our Spreadsheet (Kaplan University, 2013) in comparing the measurements and success rates of our implemented program.Figure 1: The purpose of this data requirement is to implement an affective program to decrease the student’s aggressive behavior incidents at Pathway High School. The quantitative data collection is used for this kind of measurement and data collection, because the distribution of variables can be genera lized to entire population (Dawson, C., 2002). In this case we will concentrate on the aggressive behavior of the students and the measurements of occurrences of the aggressive behavior of students, with the focus to decrease the number of aggressive behavior of the students.The occurrence of aggressive behavior incidents reported before the implemented program started was reported to the following: In September the  aggressive behavior incidents occurred 248 times. In October it went to 262 times and for November the behavior incidents occurred 275 times. This brings the aggressive behavior incidents, within the 3 month time scale, to the number of: 785 aggressive behavior incidents.After the program implementation began in December and was concluded in May. The behavior incident number indicates a decline of aggressive behavior in December with the number of 225, followed by decreasing numbers for January > 198, February > 144, March > 127, April > 99 and May > 83. The graph ind icates a significant decline in the aggressive behavior incidents, within the time of 5 month after the program was implemented in the number of 702 less incidents within 5 month. 785 > 3 month – 83 in May, after implementation of program for 5 month = 702 less incidents by May (Spreadsheet Kaplan University, 2013).This collected data will indicate that the program was successful because the aggressive behavior incidents of students declined, once the program implementation has started.Figure 2The purpose of this data requirement is to measure the impact of the program on behavior correction procedures in the classroom by teachers. In the collection of the impact of the program to behavior correction in the classroom by teachers, the quantitative data collection is used to measure and collect the results of the implicating program. This is measured to the following:Before implementation of program465 div. by 8 = 58.125 = meanTotal number of teachers A – H = 8 Total num ber before implementation of program = 465 Mean before program implementation is = 58.125 Mean is 58.125After implementation of program530 div. by 8 = 66.25 = meanTotal number of teachers A – H = 8 Total number after implementation of program = 530 Mean after program implementation of program = 66.25 Mean is 66.26 (Spreadsheet Kaplan University, 2013)Since the mean before implementation of the program is lower 58.125 then the mean after implementation of the program 66.25, then this would indicate the implementation of the program may have failed or provided little impact to the behavior correction procedures in the classroom, conducted by teachers.Figure 3The purpose of this data requirement is to rate the students satisfactory school experience before and after the SWPBS program was implemented. The data is recorded in the calculated measures of percentage and the quantitative data collection is used within this requirement.The data collection brings forth the following mea sures: Before the program started, the students satisfactory rate within their school experience provided the data of the highest level = 0 = 0% and the lowest level = 70 = 31%.After the program was implicated for three (3) month, the students satisfactory rate within their school experience provided the information of an increase, within the highest level = 15 = 6.6 = 7% and the lowest level = 25 = 11%.Six (6) months after program started, the student’s satisfactory rate within their school experience showed a significant increase in the highest level = 15 = 6.6 = 7% and significant decrease in the Lowest level = 10 = 4.4†¦ = 4% (Spreadsheet Kaplan University, 2013).These measures and data collection provides the information of the success to the implicated SWPBS program.The follow up on all of the collected data and the evaluation of the follow up, provides us with the feedback on results, accomplishments, or impacts on the students behavior by the program implementati on. In addition it will provide us information about the effectiveness and the appropriateness of the implemented program (Kettner, P. 2012).

Friday, August 30, 2019

Digital voltmeter using 8051 microcontroller Essay

Voltmeter using 8051 microcontroller.  Automatic railway gate control 8051 microcontroller use   adminOctober – 4 – 20127 CommentsVoltmeter using 8051.  A simple 0-5V voltmeter using 8051 is shown in this article. This digital voltmeter has a sensitivity of 200mV which is a bit low but this project is meant for demonstrating how an ADC and seven segment display can be interfaced to 8051 to obtain a digital readout of the input voltage. A 31/2 digit high end voltmeter will be added soon. ADC0804 is the ADC and AT89S51 is the controller used in this project. Before attempting this project, go through these projects Interfacing ADC to 8051 and Interfacing seven segment display to 8051 which will give you a good idea on the basics. Circuit diagram. 0-5 digital voltmeter using 8051 About the circuit.  In the circuit Vref/2 (pin9) of the ADC is left open and it means that the input voltage span can be o to 5V and the step size will be 5/255 = 19.6mV. The equation for the digital output of ADC0804 is Dout = Vin/Step size. In this circuit, for an input voltage of 1V the digital output will be 1/19.6mV = 51 and so the binary equivalent of 51 ie 00110011. Digital output of the ADC is interfaced to P1.0 of the microcontroller. Control signals for the ADC ie CS, RD, WR and INTR are available from the P3.7, P3.6, P3.5 and P3.4 pins of the microcontroller respectively. 2 digit multiplexed seven segment display is interfaced to Port0 of the microcontroller. Control signals for the display driver transistors Q1 and Q2 are obtained from P3.2 and P3.1 of the microcontroller. Push button switch S1, capacitor C2 and resistor R10 forms a debouncing reset circuitry. Program. ORG 00H MOV P1,#11111111B MOV P0,#00000000B MOV P3,#00000000B MOV DPTR,#LABEL MAIN: CLR P3.7 SETB P3.6 CLR P3.5 SETB P3.5 WAIT: JB P3.4,WAIT CLR P3.7 CLR P3.6 MOV A,P1 MOV B,#10D DIV AB MOV B,#2D MUL AB MOV B,#10D DIV AB SETB P3.2 ACALL DISPLAY MOV P0,A ACALL DELAY MOV P0,#10000000B ACALL DELAY MOV A,B CLR P3.2 SETB P3.1 ACALL DISPLAY MOV P0,A ACALL DELAY CLR P3.1 SJMP MAIN DELAY: MOV R3,#02H DEL1: MOV R2,#0FAH DEL2: DJNZ R2,DEL2 DJNZ R3,DEL1 RET DISPLAY: MOVC A,@A+DPTR RET LABEL: DB 3FH DB 06H DB 5BH DB 4FH DB 66H DB 6DH DB 7DH DB 07H DB 7FH DB 6FH END About the program. At first the program controls the ADC to produce a digital output corresponding to the input voltage.This digital output is scanned through P1.0 and is loaded to accumulator. Then the value in the accumulator is divided by 10 to omit the last digit. For example, let the input voltage be 4V. Then the corresponding digital output of the ADC will be 204D (D stands for decimal) .After the the division by 10, the value left in the accumulator will be 20D. This 20D is then multiplied by 2D which results in 40D. The next target of the program is to manipulate this 40D and make a 4.0 readout on the display. For this the 40D is again divided by 10D . This results in 4 inside accumulator and 0 inside B register. Then the program gets the digit drive pattern for 4 using the lookup table , puts this pattern on Port 0 and activates Q1. After 1 ms delay 10000000B is loaded to P0 and this accounts for the dot. After a further 1ms delay Q1 is deactivated, content in B (ie 0) is moved to A, gets the correct digit drive pattern for 0 using the lookup table, puts this pattern on Port 0 and activates Q2. After a further 1ms delay Q2 is deactivated and the entire cycle is repeated. 8051 Microcontroller Projects & Circuits  adminFebruary – 1 – 20138 CommentsIn this article we are listing all the projects and circuits we have developed using the 8051 micro controller. We have tested all of these projects in our lab and verified the working . All  these projects are made to solve a real world requirement or problem. Engineering students & other diploma students will find these projects useful for their mini project and main project requirements. All the 8051 projects listed below are made using the 8051 compliant microcontroller from Atmel – AT89S51. We have given the correct circuit diagram, working and software code (in assembly language) for each and every project. You can use all of them freely for your project & learning requirements. In case you are using a controller other than AT89S51 – please be sure to check the hardware of your controller and compare it with that of AT89S51. This is necessary because we have developed all the software in assembly language. If you are not that good at assembly language, you can convert the software into C language & use it with any compliant 8051 controller. Image Source 1. Ultrasonic Range Finder using 8051 – This project as the name says, is an application to measure distance of an object. It uses an ultrasonic transducer module HC-SR04 to measure the distance and the controller AT89S51 to make the necessary processing. This project can be used to make applications like Automotive parking sensor, Obstacle warning systems, Terrain monitoring robots etc. This ultrasonic range finder can measure distances upto 2.5 meters with an accuracy of 1 cm. 2. Digital Tachometer using 8051 – This project is a digital tachometer which can be used to measure the revolutions per second of any object like a rotating wheel or a disc or a shaft. This application built using 8051 micro controller can measure upto 255 revolutions/second with an accuracy of 1 rev/sec. This application has 3 important sections – 1) is the optical pickup designed to pick the revolutions of the object using a photo transistor and LED. 2) is the processing stage designed using 8051 and the associated software 3) is the display section using 7 segment displays. 3. Water Level Controller using 8051 – This is one of the most popular  project we have published using 8051 controller. This water level controller monitors the level of the over head tank and automatically switches on the water pump when ever the level goes below a preset limit. The level of the over head tank is indicated using 5 leds and the pump is switched of when the over head tank is filled. We have given an illustrated circuit diagram with working explained in detail. You will also find the software codes written in assemble language. 4. Voltmeter using 8051 – We all must have used a multimeter from our young days. Have you ever bothered to create one ? So here is one such an interesting project. A Voltmeter using 8051 micro controller. Even though its quiet simple and an easy to make one, you shall find it really interesting. This can be used as an application at the mini project level for engineering and diploma students. This digital voltmeter can measure 0 to 5 volts and has a sensitivity of 200mV which is a bit low but this project is meant for demonstrating how an ADC and seven segment display can be interfaced to 8051 to obtain a digital readout of the input voltage. ADC0804 is the ADC and AT89S51 is the controller used in this project. 5. Thermometer using 8051 – This is an interesting project designed to measure temperature using 8051. Its a simple 0-100 °C digital thermometer with 1 °C resolution using 8051. The circuit is based on LM35 analog temperature sensor, ADC0804 and AT89S51 microcontroller. LM35 is an analogue temperature sensor IC which can measure a temperature range of -55 to 150 °C. Its output voltage varies 10mV per  °C change in temperature. Knowledge Resources:- The articles below given are basics on how to work with 8051 micro controller. You can refer them if you come across a road block anywhere! 1. Interfacing 7 segment display to 8051 – A good tutorial on interfacing 7 segment display to 8051 micro controller. 2. Interfacing LCD display to 8051 – Explains how to interface a 16Ãâ€"2 LCD display with 8051 micro controller. 3. Interfacing DC motor to 8051 – Explains how to interface a DC motor with 8051 micro controller. 4. Interfacing push button switch to 8051 – Interfacing LED & Push button switch to 8051 micro controller. 5. Interfacing ADC to 8051 – This articles gives you a good detail on how to interface ADC to 8051 micro controller. ADC 0804 is used to explain the interfacing procedure with an example software routine. 8 channel light chaser using 8051 adminMay – 10 – 201210 Comments6 function 8 channel light chaser using 8051. A 6 function 8 channel light chaser using 8051 is shown here. The hardware and software of this circuit are very simple and the light functions gets repeated one after another automatically. P1.0 to P1.7 of the microcontroller (AT89S51) are assigned as the output pins. Corresponding LEDs are connected to the output pins through 1K current limiting resistors (R1 to R8). The sequence by which the output pins (P1.0 to P1.7) goes high and low is determined by the program and the LEDs follow this sequence. Circuit diagram of the 6 function chaser using 8051 is shown below. 6 function light chaser using 8051 Program. START: MOV A,#80H MOV R7,#07H MOV P1,A LCALL DELAY LABEL1: RR A MOV P1,A LCALL DELAY DJNZ R7,LABEL1 MOV R7,#07H LABEL2: RL A MOV P1,A LCALL DELAY DJNZ R7,LABEL2 MOV P1,#81H LCALL DELAY MOV P1,#42H LCALL DELAY MOV P1,#24H LCALL DELAY MOV P1,#18H LCALL DELAY MOV P1,#0FFH LCALL DELAY MOV P1,#00H LCALL DELAY MOV A,#80H MOV P1,A LCALL DELAY MOV R7,#07H LABEL3: SETB C RRC A MOV P1,A LCALL DELAY DJNZ R7,LABEL3 MOv P1,#00H LCALL DELAY MOV A,#0AAH MOV P1,A LCALL DELAY CPL A MOV P1,A LCALL DELAY LJMP START DELAY: MOV R4,#03H WAIT1: MOV R3,#00H WAIT2: MOV R2,#00H WAIT3: DJNZ R2,WAIT3 DJNZ R3,WAIT2 DJNZ R4,WAIT1 RET END

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Satan in paradise lost

Satan Satan is the first major character introduced in the poem. Formerly called Lucifer, the most beautiful of all angels in Heaven, he's a tragic fgure who describes himself with the now-famous quote â€Å"Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heav'n. † He is introduced to Hell after he leads a failed rebellion to wrestle control of Heaven from God. Satan's desire to rebel against his creator stems from his unwillingness to be subjugated by God and his Son, claiming that angels are â€Å"self-begot, self-raised†,[4] thereby denyingGod's authority over them as their creator. Satan is deeply arrogant, albeit powerful and charismatic. Satan's persuasive powers are evident throughout the book; not only is he cunning and deceptive, but he also is able to rally the angels to continue in the rebellion after their agonising defeat in the Angelic War. He argues that God rules as a tyrant and that all the angels ought to rule as gods. [5] Satan is comparable in many ways to th e tragic heroes of classic Greek literature, but Satan's hubris far surpasses those of previous tragedies.Though at times he plays the narrative role of an anti-hero, he is still commonly understood to be the antagonist of the epic. However, the true nature of his role in the poem has been the subject of much notoriety and scholarly debate. While some scholars, like the critic and writer C. S. Lewis, interpret the poem as a genuine Christian morality tale, other critics, like William Empson, view it as a more ambiguous work, with Milton's complex characterisation of Satan playing a large part in that perceived ambiguity. [6]

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Human Resource in Coffee Masters Company Assignment

Human Resource in Coffee Masters Company - Assignment Example Between this major entity and the minimal waged consumer, there are untapped resources in form of reaching out to these menial waged consumers (Edgar & Fiona 45). Coffee Masters have an objective of offering the quality coffee at a much lower price. Additionally, the organization has branches in suburbs which hold a significant number of people in its target market. Also in its objectives, the organization aims at using the human labor of the locals to fuel the activities in the organization. To aid in this the organization has a total of 100 employees in all its branches. Each branch has an internal staff, 30 members. The rest of the employees are involved other activities like marketing, sales, logistics, branch supervisors and the organization has a large transport system which has a significant number of employees depending on the size of the branch’s logistics activity (Turner, 76). The organization is controlled by a management team located at the main branch of the organization. Additionally, the organization has employed human resources representatives at each branch. The HR rationale in this organization involves minimal contact between the employees and the main management team. The management team greatly relies on the operations of branch supervisors as the human resource representatives. In this particular organizational setting, the human resource is a simple arrangement with three levels. The top level of human resource management in this setting is the top management team. The team is led by the founders of the enterprise who carry out the task of decision making and approving recommendations (Fielding 89). From the CEOs, the organization has branch managers as the second in command. The branch managers run the branches under strict instructions from the CEOs. Below the branch managers lie the other staff members with the highest ranked staff member being a branch supervisor. In  Ã‚  terms of human resource management, the organization has an HR manager who has the responsibility of hiring and terminating employment contracts.

Aristotle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Aristotle - Essay Example Particularly, they figured in area of rhetorical reasoning and inquiry. Epagoge, in Aristotle’s theoretical inquiry, is the inductive procedure, which leads to the establishment of explanatory first principles as well as a demonstrative procedure that solves problems encountered on the way toward principles by deducing their correct answers from these principles once they are found.1 On the other hand, Aristotle treated nous as actually nothing but potentially all the things we can know. 2 Its significance in the scientific procedure and relationship with epagoge is anchored on its intuitive role. Nous can compare or operate through judgments by the combination or separation of concepts. The acquisition of practical first principles - moral as well as technical – is the work of reason, but not of discursive reason; it is the work of nous†¦ Nous is simply that human faculty that enables us to cognize universals on the basis of our sense-perceptions and experience; epagoge is the functioning of that faculty. (204) It is helpful, in understanding how nous and epagoge work and function, to remember that for Aristotle, all knowledge comes from pre-existing knowledge. He drew a distinction between knowledge and the preexisting knowledge – those that are knowable without qualification. Pre-existing knowledge is the outcome of sense perception while knowledge is acquired from the first principles that were borne out of induction (epagoge). (50) And so, Aristotle enlightened us that the process starts from our sensory encounters with individual material things and these encounters provide the basis of our intellectual judgments, which is the epagoge. The upshot of this process is that we are taken beyond the mere contingent empirical generalization of facts. This Aristotelian procedure, writes Newton-Smith, results in the transmission of â€Å"the natural necessity of the premises to the conclusions, thereby assuring that the entire body of scientific

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

History of African American and European American Families Article

History of African American and European American Families - Article Example These families were ruled by the father where they control women, men mainly called the puritan fathers were the representatives of their families in the political and social affairs of the community. Additionally they had the legal right to choose a spouse for their children. Then puritan family were self sufficient economically since they were large where all the members of the family contributed to the surfaces needed for production. United States also known as the diversity nation, the African American people who also form a large percentage of American population went through for stages in their Americas. These were, slavery that lasted from colonial times until the end of civil war most of these people mainly lived in the south, during their slavery, nuclear family was common. However, the slavery interrupted their organization since they had to freedom to do what they wanted. Slave parents also had no rights in regard to their children. Slave owner treated men and women the same way where any work could have been allocated to either, through peaceful means African Americans fought for their equity which they latter got after a hard

Monday, August 26, 2019

Promoting Healthy Eating for Dementia in Residential Homes Essay

Promoting Healthy Eating for Dementia in Residential Homes - Essay Example In fact, individuals who are obese are also considered as malnourished. According to the World Health Organization (2000), malnutrition related to hunger is a life-threatening situtaion. Therefore, it can lead to a significant increase in morbidity and mortality rate. Considering the adverse health effects of malnutrition on patients with dementia, nurses who are assigned to take care of this group of patients should pay more attention to the importance of proper nutrition. The number of people with dementia is expected to increase throughout the United Kingdom (Knapp and Prince, 2007:22-23). For this reason, nurses should search for new ways on how they can improve the physical health of these patients. One of the best and most simple ways to improve the physical health of patients with dementia is to focus on how nurses can effectively promote healthy eating. By promoting healthy eating among patients with dementia, the nurses can protect the patients from becoming sicklier or more vulnerable to other types of illnesses. There are certain types of food that can help prevent the incidence of dementia. For example, vitamin B12 and Folate deficiencies are also associated with developing dementia and cognitive impairment (Bruce Fife, 2011). Fish like tuna, salmon, mackerel and herring is rich in Omega 3 fats. Based on a recent study, doctors suggest that eating fish at least once a week reduces the risk of developing dementia by 60% (McFadden, 2011), Since dementia is hereditary, continuous promotion of healthy eating can help public awareness against dementia. Thus, improving the healthcare practices throughout the United Kingdom. Nurses are the front-liners within a healthcare setting. This explains why most of the patients with dementia are being cared for by the nurses. One of the role and responsibilities of the nurses is to deliver a holistic care to their patients. Therefore, nurses who are currently working in a residential nursing home should continuousl y improve their knowledge and skills on how they can effectively promote a healthy eating lifestyle. 5.0 Literature Review General Facts about Dementia in UK Dementia is â€Å"a global impairment of cognitive function that usually is progressive and may be permanent; interferes with normal social and occupational activities† (Kozier et al., 2004:1449). In most cases, patients with dementia suffers from â€Å"a collection of symptoms, including a decline in memory, reasoning and communication skills, and a gradual loss of skills needed to carry out daily activities† (Knapp and Prince, 2007:2). Patients with dementia are prone to suffer from the rising levels of severe illness coupled with reduced sensory function of taste, smell, and teeth which negatively impacts on the nutritional needs of the patient (Linda, 2005: 221-245). This explains why most of the elderly patients who were diagnosed with dementia are less likely to eat properly as compared to patients with deme ntia who are still young or in the adulthood stage. Furthermore, several studies mentioned that a significant decrease in the metabolic process of elderly patients can also lead to other health complications that are

Sunday, August 25, 2019

International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

International Business - Essay Example After achieving huge success level in domestic market leading companies wish to do business practices across the domestic border in order to maximize profit, its market share, core competency and goodwill. These are all tangible and intangible assets of a company. The company chooses internationalization process in order to take the advantages of advanced technology, potential marketplace and favorable economical factors of international market. The internationalization process and the reason of adopting the process can be identified by several business models. Demand and supply led drivers will help to identify the advantages of customer and supplier relationship management for the international market orientation and the difference of these two drivers will help to identify the impacts on business practices for a company. Followed by this the Eclectic theory of internationalization will help to analyze the different categorized advantages that will help international business pract ices. Next the Uppsala model will help to find the business activities of a company in a foreign market. Last but not the least the product life cycle tool will help the company to develop their product internationally considering different aspects of product life cycle. The objective of the study is to find the reason for internationalization of a company and evaluation of several international business tools. Demand and Supply Led Drivers In order to adopting international business process companies need to understand about the demand led drivers and supply led drivers. The basic purpose to reinforce this demand and supply drivers is the gaining knowledge of companies about the demand chain management and supply chain management in international market. The difference of demand led driver and the supply led driver in specific international market is based on importance. The supply led drivers is the degree that focus on consumers and this driver gives importance on efficiency of s ervice. Here the company management consider about cost-led and supreme level of customer service. The risk of this supply-led driver is that the target customers may be aggregated. Therefore the link between customer and supplier relationship management may be hampered. Demand led drivers hold the broader vision of relationship management. This driver integrates both of the customer and supplier relationship management. The need of demand led driver is to allocate required resources for thy international operation (Porter, 2011, p.115). It is kind of a push strategy which influences both the customer and suppliers. Supply led driver is more of a pull business aspect. It may affect the target customers different brand loyalty and orientation. Eclectic Theory Eclectic theory of internationalization is the economics theory based on the theory of transaction costs. The idea behind the application of eclectic theory in internationalization process is to understand the economic approache s in international competitive business market. The fundamental forms of international market such as Licensing, FDI, and Export can be distinguished by this theory (Cantwell and Narula, 2012, p.71). Before entering in international market the three categories of advantages in internationalization process of this theory such as ownership advantages, internationalization advantages and location advantages need to be identified by the company. If the company has ownership advantages such as knowledge about the international target market, employees’ international language skill, appropriate products, information about import permission and huge contacts can help the company to do the Licensing in

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Medical errors Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Medical errors - Article Example Medical errors are inclusive of errors which are committed by medical care individuals as well as any other form of system errors. According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), other definitions put forward on the description of medical errors include: â€Å"error of execution†, â€Å"error of planning† (Freisen, Farquhar and Hughes, n.d). The causes for medical errors are quite a number. Medical errors that are caused by medical personnel could be as a result of: lack of proper communication between the health care personnel; lack of proper communication between the patient (s) and the health care personnel; irresponsibility by the medical personnel in terms of prescriptions and dosages; handing out drugs over the counter without a sound doctor analysis; wrong drug administration; lack of following the mandated patient care policies. Communication is quite essential in a health care facility. In the event that there is a communication gap between the health care person nel, then problems are likely to occur. Lack of proper communication is likely to happen while writing out patients’ results or even while packaging or labelling drugs by their names and dosages. That is; a drug could be labelled wrongly and this could be interpreted differently by another medical personnel. A communication deficit could also occur between a patient (s) and the health care personnel. An example of such a situation is when the patient is describing their symptoms to the health care personnel. As a result, the words and expressions being used by the medical care expert could not actually be exactly what the patient is referring to. At that instance, a communication error occurs and this will in turn lead to wrong drug and dosage administration. Over the counter drugs (OTC) and prescriptions have also been known to cause fatal medical errors – this is due to the reason that the personnel responsible could be lacking adequate knowledge and experience in pr oviding ample analysis of the symptoms that the patient has. As a result, they could either give the wrong drugs to the patient or provide an under-dose or an over-dose of the medicine. Following the mandated hospital policies and procedures is very essential. These policies and procedures include: providing organisation orientation to new medical staff, providing medical education to patients and ensuring that medical training is done effectively. The benefit of carrying out all these tasks is that they will reduce the total numbers of medical errors that occur. For example, if the health care facility acquires new equipment, the staff should be trained on how to properly use the equipment so as to alienate the possibility of system errors. In addition to that, patient education should be provided so as to educate them with information on how they could also avoid being victims of unwanted medical errors. In a 1993 to 1998 medical study that was conducted by FDA (2013), the results revealed that the most regular form of medical error was as a result of recklessness while giving out prescriptions and medical dosages - This accounted for 41%. The same study revealed that the other forms of personnel medical errors included: wrong drug administration that answered for 16% while the use of wrong drug

Friday, August 23, 2019

Policy Critique New Jersey use of force Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Policy Critique New Jersey use of force - Essay Example The policy is legally sufficient based on the US Department of Justice guidelines and the concepts of the reasonable man and belief. While the policy encourages other officers to intervene to stop excessive force, the policy places no legal requirement that they do so. This portion may conflict with state and federal laws that require the intervention to prevent a deadly crime that is in progress. The policy on less-lethal ammunition creates a new category for the use of force that resides above mechanical force and below deadly force. While the policy comprehensively defines less-lethal ammunition and the situations where it may be allowed, the use of the word 'non-imminent' may become problematic, Courts may view the term as too vague as it opens up the opportunity to be defined as anytime in the future. The New Jersey Use of Force Advisory Committee is charged with formulating a policy that serves as a guideline for police that are faced with a situation that calls for the use of force. Well-armed criminals and new technologies have placed the police at greater risk and necessitated the need to be able to determine an appropriate level of force. Non-lethal technologies have also given the police greater options that must be considered when confronted with a dangerous, and possibly deadly, situation. This paper will examine the current policy in light of its strengths and weaknesses. It will evaluate its legal sufficiency and evaluate the recent less-lethal ammunition report of 2008. The New Jersey Attorney General's Use of Force Policy has its foundation in the principle that "the degree of force employed in any situation should be only that reasonably necessary" and officers should use "only that force which is objectively reasonable" (Office of the New Jersey Attorney General, 2000, p.1). As a guideline to making a reasonable judgment on the use of force, the level of force is categorized in escalating levels from constructive authority to deadly force. The policy uses examples of each type of force and provides a definition for each category. The use of deadly force may only be used to protect an officer or the public from the imminent danger of death or serious injury (Office of the New Jersey Attorney General, 2000, p.5). Deadly force can be used on a fleeing suspect when the suspect has caused death or bodily harm and the officer believes that the suspect poses an imminent threat (Office of the New Jersey Attorney General, 2000, 5). The legal sufficiency f or these guidelines, and the use of deadly force, is founded in 42 U.S.C. 14141, which makes it unlawful for "local law enforcement officers to engage in a pattern or practice of conduct that deprives persons of rights protected by the Constitution" (Addressing police misconduct, 1999). While this has a solid legal foundation, its weakness lies in the reliance on the officer to make a snap judgment based on the interpretation on 'imminent'. The State's Attorney General or the US Department of Justice addresses complaints of police misconduct regarding deadly force. The policy further implements an obligation on other officers to be pro-active to reduce or eliminate the use of excessive force. Deadly force cannot be used against

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Arthur Schopenhauer Essay Example for Free

Arthur Schopenhauer Essay Arthur Schopenhauer is a German philosopher who was born on February 22nd, 1788 and died on September 21st, 1860. He was born in the city of Danzig but later moved to the city of Hamburg where he became interested in studying metaphysics, ethics and psychology. Schopenhauer is known as the philosopher of Pessimism because he created a theory that challenged the value of existence. Schopenhauer’s main focus was on individual motivation ‘the will’ and how human desires cause pain and suffering. He wrote a book on the will called The World as Will and Representation. This book was a collaboration of Kant’s idea of idealism with his own theory on that the will is the thing-in-itself. Schopenhauer was greatly influenced by thinkers like Kant and Plato. He as well influenced thinkers like Sigmund Freud, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Friedrich Nietzsche. Summary of Ideas: The ‘Will†: Schopenhauer believed that humans were only motivated by their basic desires. He believed that human desires only cause suffering and pain. As well he believed that human desires are illogical and directionless. He believed that the will controls all aspects of human life. Schopenhauer’s ideas on the will are similar to the ideas of Buddhism and the four noble truths. He believed that free will exists but humans are not able to achieve it because everything is determined by how the body reacts to a situation. He stated that Man can indeed do what he wants, but he cannot will what he wants. †(On the Freedom of the Will) Ethics: The basics of Schopenhauer ethics is about compassion. He believes compassion can’t be taught but only learned by experience. Compassion is the knowledge of seeing someone suffer equally to a suffering they have faced in their life and being able to relate and have sympathy for them. Schopenhauer distinguishes a good person not from the nature of their actions but the level of compassion they have for them. He believes that the difference between a good person and a normal person is distinguished by when seeing someone suffer the good person will sacrifice his own well-being for the other person. Therefore he takes on all their troubles. Schopenhauer believes this is the highest degree in ethical conduct. Pessimism: Schopenhauer believes since the will has no purpose or goal that the will can never achieve satisfaction. He believes the main goal of existence is to gain satisfaction but trying to achieve it is unsustainable because it leads to frustration. For that reason he says existence of human beings can only be characterized by suffering. He believes this theory is for all animals and since humans have a higher intellectual capacity that they will suffer more in life than any other animal. He as well stated that even using reasoning will not change the amount of suffering the person experiences because reason only increases the suffering. Schopenhauer concludes that nonexistence is and should be more preferable then existence. He believes people should realize that to exist is to suffer and the goal in life for people should be to try and resist one’s desires. Application: Animal Welfare: Schopenhauer believed humans and animals are essentially equal and the same. He believed that everything is basically will and that humans and animals are the same because they can recognize characteristics and emotion in each other. Schopenhauer stated â€Å"Unlike the intellect, it [the Will] does not depend on the perfection of the organism, but is essentially the same in all animals as that which is known to us so intimately. Accordingly, the animal has all the emotions of humans, such as joy, grief, fear, anger, love, hatred, strong desire, envy, and so on. The great difference between human and animal rests solely on the intellects degrees of perfection. (On the Will in Nature, Physiology and Pathology) He believed that a good person will have compassion for animals when they are hurt because they are fellow sufferers. People who are cruel to animals are not good people because they do not have compassion.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Affect of Women in Advertisement Essay Example for Free

Affect of Women in Advertisement Essay Abstract Due to advertisement clutter in the 21st century customers are exposed to a variety of advertising appeals that aims to influence their attitudes towards a wide range of products and services. Many companies worldwide are using women as an object to attract and influence consumers’ attitudes towa rds the products they sell. Women appear in huge number of advertisement as a sexual object or as attractive decorative model standing nearby a product, even when the sexual image has little relevance to the advertised product. This article looks at Jordan ian male consumers’ attitude towards using women in advertisement. Results reveals four factors tend to influence consumer attitude towards using women in advertisement. Culture, control, and emotion were found to have a significant influence on consumer attitude towards using women in advertisement, while there was no significant influence for women appearance on consumer attitude towards using women in advertisement. In general Jordanian male consumers’ were opposed to exposing, exploiting and objectifying the woman and her body in advertisement. Introduction Research on advertisement featuring sex role focused on how content and imagery affect cognitive responses and attitude toward the advertisement, which in turn affect attitude toward the brand and purchase intention (Jaffe, 1994; Leigh and Whitney, 1987). Attitude toward advertising can be defined in general as learned tendencies to respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner to advertising in general (Lutz, 1985; Mackenzie and Lutz, 1989). The link between attitudes, intentions and behavior has been explained primarily by Ajzen (1985, 1988), Ajzen and Fishbein (1980). This theory is based on the assumption that human beings usually behave in a sensible manners where they will take into account information available to them and consider the consequences of their actions. Thus people are expected to act in accordance with their intentions. The personal factor is the attitude toward the behavior, which is the individual‟s positive or negat ive evaluation of performing the behavior of interest. Whereas the social determinant of intention is the person‟s perception of social pressure to perform the behavior under consideration. People generally intend to perform a behavior when they evaluate it positively and belief that important others think they should perform it. Advertisements perceived as contentious will not be effective in capturing the attention of people or changing their attitudes towards the advertised products (Michell and Al-Mossawi, 1995). Based on that, it‟s very essential to choose the appropriate advertisement strategies employed in advertising which range from informational to emotional. Among those designed to stir emotions or rouse particular feelings, we can find fear, humor, warmth, novelty, contrast, animation, music, and sexual arousal. According to Reichert et. al. (2001) sex appeal advertising invokes any message, which, whether as brand information in advertising contexts or as persuasive appeals in marketing contexts, is associated with sexual information. It has long been an accepted belief that this form of advertising is very effective at attention-grabbing, considered by some commentators as a powerful step in reaching one‟s target market, especially in the current clutter of 21st century marketing and communications (Reichert Lambiase, 2003). Sexual economics theory (SET) is a stimulating theory about sexuality that combines the idea of gender differences in sexual attitudes with social exchange theory, which S precher, (1989) conceptualize as two or more parties that each give up something with the aim of getting back something of greater value. Much research suggests that sex as an end in itself is less valued by women than men (Baummeister et al., 2001). Ther efore, sexual economics theory posits that women possess substantially greater negotiating power than do men in the context of a sexual exchange. Based on this theory, the current study will focus on men and the way women are used to persuade them in adver tisement to influence their attitudes. Using women in advertisement as a sexual appeal has transferred women to a marketing instrument by many firms. Women are used as a material mostly in advertisements (Bayraktar, 2011). In many advertisements, the ideal woman is an object that exists to satisfy men‟s sexual desires. Many researchers have shown that women in advertisements are portrayed as sex objects (Baker, 2005). Advertisers feature provocative images of sexually attractive women in ads (Reichert, 2 002). Sexual appeals in advertisements consist of a variety of elements models. Courtney and Whipple (1983) describes sexuality in advertisements as sexuality in the form of nudity, sexual imagery, innuendo, and double entendre used as an ad object for dif ferent kinds of products. Reichert (2002) reveals that common forms of sexuality in ads includes nudity (dress), physical attractiveness, seductive behavior and interaction, innuendo, and other factors such as setting, context and camera effects. While Lambiase and Reichert (2003) propose that there are five types of sexual content in ads: Nudity, sexual behavior, physical attractiveness, sexual referents, and sexual embeds. Ramirez and Reichert (2000) propose that viewers consider physical characteristics the most sexual in ads and the sub-categories of these characteristics are clothing, attractiveness and body. Table 1 shows the categories of women appearance in advertisements and their meanings in USA. It‟s noteworthy to say that women misrepresentation in advertisement is a world wide phenomenon. In India, for example, Bag and Roy (2010) bring up various reasons behind unaccept ed representation of women in advertisement, such as poverty where still a number of women, particularly young girls with intolerable economic misery compelled to represent themselves in different forms of uncultured version for survival. To the contrary some rich womens do it as a hobby, just to get mental or psychological satisfaction through modeling, front page sensational attraction in different popular magazines. Globalization is another factor responsible for misrepresentation of women in advertisement. Being attracted to western culture, teenager girls have been adopting western style in their garments and manners and hence, they have been losing their own culture and tradition, social values and moral character. Consumerism, which tries hard to inc rease the consumption of people, is another cause of such unaccepted representation. Much consumption means much economic profit which a group of people highly want. Profit maximization has escalated the introduction of women in a number of advertisements of different companies in television, magazine, T.V., Cinema, Newspaper, Cartoons, painting and even in the Internet to attract customers from different age groups. The different types of women representation in advertisement are presented below. Representation through Television- There is a lot of representation of women in advertisement through T.V. which affect common people and children adversely. It is obvious that visual indecent representation of them has been perverting psychologically all youth. Representation through Newspaper- Newspaper is another source of representation in indecent manner. Readers from almost all age group are intensely influenced while observing and reading those undesirable advertisements. Representation through Magazine- Similar examples will be cited in several advertisements in several reputed magazines where the honor of women have not only been despoiled simultaneously people are being psychologically endangered. But interestingly, by virtue of human instinct, neither presenter nor consumer is realizing its adverse impact. Other forms of Representation- There are other forms of uncultured representation which we can find rarely but have both internal and external effects on common people. Despite fewer in number, such representations are noticed in different sorts of paintings, hoarding hanging or fixed in cities and towns, and even displayed in Internet. Painting of undesirable quality is often displayed in cinema hall for greater publicity. Similarly, a lot of painters draw naked or half naked figures, which may have inner good meaning, but it is a matter of question how many people are finding that inner good meaning and how many are taking those adversely. Research Problem and Significance Very few studies tries to explain the influence of using women in advertisement based on cultural factors. Researchers have either concentrated on or compared dissimilar cultures, such as the U.S and Japan or they have focused on similarities or differences on similar cultur es, such as Great Britain and Australia (Al-Olayan and Karande, 2000). Many researches explain ads by using Hofstede‟s cultural dimensions or Hall‟s high and low typology and other country specific variables. Culture dominates communications, such as langu age, traditions, beliefs and music (Al-Olayan, Karande, 2000). Therefore, the main motivation behind this article is to identify the influence of using women in advertisement on male consumers‟ attitude in Jordan. This study is conducted in a Muslim country where Shariah (Islamic Law) prohibit the use of sexual appearance or body in a way to attract or convince consumers with company products, brands or services. This study is significant for the reason that there is no any study has been done in this field regarding this issue. Another reason for doing this study is to increase our understanding of the Arab societies, and in this case Jordan. Research Objectives The objectives of this research are: 1) To identify the factors that may affect male Jordanian consumers‟ attitude towards using women in advertisement 2) To examine consumers overall attitude towards using sexy women in advertisement Theoretical Background Culture and Advertisement Marketers need to observe the cultural traits, environments, norms, beliefs, and values of a particular country or region to obtain an understanding of whether their future behaviors will be perceived as ethical (Haque et al., 2010). For example, companies advertising their products or services in different countries should be aware of a country‟s existing norms concerning role portrayals and the way these organizations affect these norms (Gilly, 1988). Clow and Baack (2009) maintained that culture, religion and value system determine the levels of nudity, sexual references, and gender specific issues that are permitted in a country. Several differences have also been recognized across countries for men and women appear in different settings and for different products. Women are more likely to be portrayed in domestic environment as sex objects, while men are more likely to be portrayed being occupied. In Sweden, for example advertisers show men and women in greater variety of nonworking roles than in the U.S.A and Germany and women in Asian countries are less likely to be shown as sex objects (Das, 2000). Since in many Middle Eastern countries, sex and gender issues are taboo subjects, sexual appeals are not used in advertising and even sexually related products are difficult to advertise (Bryant, 1998). Muslim nations tend to reject any kind of nudity and any reference to sexuality and other gender -related issues. Any hint of sexuality or display of the female body is strictly forbidden. In Saudi Arabia and Malaysia, women must be shown in family settings. They cannot be depicted as being carefree or desirable to the opposite sex. Marlin (2008) conduct a study on how culture affects advertisement, he used an advertisement showing a sexy picture for Paris Hilton, the famous model wearing a bikini and asked respondents to writ e their reactions. About 27% had positive reactions, 45% had negative reactions and 28% were indifferent. For this advertisement some respondents were confused whether it is an advertisement for a burger or for a car. The results show that different cultures imply different reactions, some of the comments the respondents wrote were: †¢ Unrealistic, bizarre (German respondent) †¢ It is not about the product, they are selling a lifestyle (Iranian respondent) †¢ Nice, interesting (French respondent) †¢ Too much naked skin (1 Ethiopian and 1 Swedish respondent) †¢ I am discussed, angry and feel fat (Swedish respondent) †¢ Too naked, too unrealistic (Moroccan respondent) †¢ Sexistic (Swedish respondent) †¢ Inappropriate, bad taste (French respondent) †¢ It is totally unnecessary for the object of advertising (Swedish respondent) Muslim countries are not the only ones with restrictive advertising for sex appeals. Many Christian countries such as Ireland, Spain, South Africa, Mexico and the Philippines have similar standards. 184 While in Canada, France, and Sweden, sexism should be avoided in any advertising directed toward children (Boddewyn, 1991). Based on that, understanding how religious beliefs influence the attitude towards the advertising is of great importance to international advertisers and advertising agency managers in their efforts to improve advertising effectiveness without offending or alienating their target audience. It‟s important to comprehend that Islamic social philosophy is based on the belief that all spheres of life: spiritual, social, political, and economic form an indivisible unity that must be thoroughly imbued with Islamic values. Advertisement and Women in the Muslim world The aim of this section is to give an in-depth understanding on the nature and position of women and advertisement in the Muslim world to help and benefit marketers and the advertising producers in the Muslim world to gain a profound understanding of Muslim values. As a starting point, it‟s important to note that the Holy Quran does not prohibit advertising (Al-Makaty et al., 1996). Some advertisements use religious terminology to reassure consumers of the Islamic integrity of products and services. For example, in a television advertisement, a Saudi Investment ba nk in Egypt had used religious terms to show that it had no unlawful transactions and that all of its financial products Shariah compliant. The use of selected Quranic injunctions and words can enhance the mood of the advertising communication to make it more appealing to Muslim consumers. Luqmani et al. (1989) provide an example of a manufactured water pump that uses a verse from the Quran in advertising. Although it is obviously welcome to keep in mind that the Islamic regulations related to business and marketing, appropriate implementation of precise Islamic terms is crucial. Contrary to this, a business may face unexpected troubles in gaining markets in Muslim populous areas if some how its advertisements create feelings that are inconsistent with religious sensitivities. In such a context, the most potential and contemporary issues in Islamic markets should be carefully introduced, developed, and offered through appropriate advertising and communication messages which meet the commitment of ethics as gu ided in the Islamic Shariah. For example, the Islamic system encourages moderation in living, while prodigality and waste are denounced. Costly promotional efforts and massive commercial advertisements by businesses are considered unnecessary. Producers of advertisements must make sure that their advertising campaign does not overstep any social or legal norms. Little attention has been paid on the exposure of advertisement in the Arab societies. Except from investigations in Saudi Arabian ads, there is only one study that has examined the cross-cultural differences in advertising content in other countries in the Middle East and only one study of the portrayal of Egyptian women in television commercials. Luqmani et al., (1987) study focused only on the influence of Islam on advertising content and regulation in Saudi Arabia while Michell and Al-Mossawi, (1999) study focused on message contentiousness among Gulf Co-operative Council countries, and showed that religious Muslims scored lower in terms of recall and were unfavorable towards contentious advertisements relative to lenient Muslims. The findings suggest that there is a difference in perceived controversial elements in advertisements between a devout and a lenient Muslim. These findings also highlight the importance of matching creative execution and message content to a society‟s socio-cultural environment. Michell and Al-Mossawi claim an offensive advertisement will not be effective in capturing an audience‟s attention or changing his/her attitudes. Both of these studies revealed the importance of understanding the Islamic religion in relation to effective advertising. In particular, Luqmani et al., assert that unconventional advertisements must obtain prior approval from religious authorities. While in Malaysia, Unilever‟s used an ad for Pond‟s skin lightening moisturizer showing a Malay college student using the product for a fairer complexion to attract a boy‟s attention. The ad is deemed offensive to the Muslim ethnic culture (Haque et al., 2010). In addition to the above mentioned facts, the women‟s status is debated among traditional Islamists, reformist Islamists and feminists, secular or Islamic. The traditional Islamists are clear about the male-female differences and insist on the distinct sex roles. They view women as emotional, sentimental and weak humans whose duty is in the household. The traditional Islamists take every verse in the Qur‟an as a source of protection of women and see women as minors that need to be protected by superior men. In return the woman will nurture the family and try to please her father, brother or son, or whoever may be the head of the household. The woman has a responsibility to maintain the honor, reputation and status of the family. Traditionally, a man‟s hon or depends on the extent on the virginity of his sisters, wife and daughters, and widows divorcees‟ sexual continent. 185 The Islamic reformists believe that the inferiority is only in relation to the woman‟s physical strength and weaker autonomy, thus she is capable of participating in all spheres or public and social life. Modern and liberal reformists are trying to accommodate the Islamic rules with the realities of modern times. The feminist view is a secular movement whose aim is to achieve equality for women. The roots of this movement consider the woman as totally subordinated to the man and that the veil is a symbol of this. Advertising in Jordan Jordan‟s media sector has seen significant privatization and liberalization efforts in recent years. Based on official rack rates, research firm Ipsos estimated that the advertisement sector spent some $303m towards publicity in Jordan‟s media, 80% of which was spent on newspapers, followed by TV, radio and magazines. In recent years, Jordan has also seen a spectacular rise in the number of blogs, websites and news portals as sources of news information. The increasing diversification of Jordan‟s media boosted advertising revenues and private initiatives. Recording growth of 30%, 2007 turned out to be yet another outstanding year for Jordan‟s advertising industry. Following nearly a decade of double-digit growth, the Jordanian advertising had some catching up to do with the rest of the region in terms of average expenditure per capita. Since 2000 total ad spend increased from $77m to $303m in 2008, an increase of 260%. The Jordanian telecoms sector was the biggest ad spender in 2008, accounting for around 20% of the market, followed by banking and finance sector (12%), services industry (11%), real estate (8%) and the automotive sector (5%). Research Design In order to measure Jordanian male consumers‟ attitude towards using women in advertisement , male respondents between 18-55 years were selected. The survey instrument included a list of 22 statements from which respondents were asked to indicate their level of personal acceptance on a five-point scale, where 1 means â€Å"Strongly Disagree† and 5 means â€Å"Strongly Agree†. Statements from 1 -17 was designed to measure factors affecting consumers attitude towards using women in advertisement. Most of the statements were adapted from earlier studies, for example (Al Makaty et al. 1996; Nordà ©n 2006; and Baker, C.N. 2005). While statement 18-22 were designed to measure consumers overall attitude towards advertisements. The statements were adapted from earlier studies as well such as (Usman, 2010; and Ashill, 2005). Respondents belonging to different demographic groups in terms of education level, marital status and profession were considered in the study. The sampling frame for the study was male consumers living in west of Amman. For respondents‟ selection, simple random sampling procedure was adopted. Questionnaires were filled by the respondents. The total number of respondents was 450. The responses received were 353 (80.5 per cent). Cronbach alpha reliability analysis was conducted for the items included in the study. The internal consistency Cronbach alpha value for reliability of the questionnaire was found to be 0.74. All items were well above the 0.70, which was the commonly accepted threshold (Nunnally 1978). Respondent Profile Respondents from different parts of west Amman were asked to fill in the questionnaire. Table 2 depicts a summation of the study‟s respondents‟ demographic information. As per research objectives all the respondents are male consumers. Of the 353 respondents, 79.0 per cent were less than 25 years of age. A larger number of respondents were unmarried (74.4 per cent) the maximum respondents fell into this age group, since youth is the target market and they are the ones who pay maximum attention to the advertisements. Out of the remaining sample, only 2.3 per cent were above 55 years of age. The remaining 29.5 per cent belonged to the age group of 26–55 years of age. The larger number of r espondents was unmarried (74.4 per cent), and this could be attributed to the young age of the respondent. In addition most of them 78.5 percent were with undergraduate education. The maximum respondents in the category „profession‟ belonged to the student group with a major share of 68.2 per cent and the remaining 31.8 per cent included businessmen, executives and others. The overall composition of respondents included in the study was young, unmarried and students.

A micro assembler for a processor

A micro assembler for a processor INTRODUCTION A micro assembler (sometimes called a meta-assembler) is acomputer programthat helps prepare amicroprogramto control the low level operation of a computer in much the same way anassemblerhelps prepare higher level code for aprocessor. The difference is that the microprogram is usually only developed by the processor manufacturer and works intimately with the hardware. The microprogram defines theinstruction setany normal program (including bothapplication programsandoperating systems) is written in. The use of a microprogram allows the manufacturer to fix certain mistakes, including working aroundhardwaredesign errors, without modifying the hardware. Another means of employing micro assembler-generated micro programs is in allowing the same hardware to run differentinstruction sets. After it is assembled, the microprogram is then loaded to astore to become part of the logic of aCPUscontrol unit. Some micro assemblers are more generalized and are not targeted at single computer architecture. For example, through the use of macro-assembler-like capabilities,Digital Equipment Corporationused theirMICRO2micro assembler for a very wide range of computer architectures and implementations. If a given computer implementation supports awriteable control store, the micro assembler is usually provided to customers as a means of writing customized microcode. Ã ¨ Computer programs(softwareprograms) areinstructionsfor acomputer.A computer requires programs to function, typicallyexecutingthe programs instructions in acentral processor.The program has anexecutableform that the computer can use directly to execute the instructions. The same program in its human-readable sourceform, from whichexecutableprograms are derived (e.g.,compiled), enables aprogrammerto study and develop itsalgorithms. Computer source code is often written by professionalcomputer programmers. Source code is written in aprogramming languagethat usually follows one of two mainparadigms:imperativeordeclarativeprogramming. Source code may be converted into anexecutable file(sometimes called an executable program or a binary) by acompiler. Alternatively, computer programs may be executed by acentral processing unitwith the aid of aninterpreter, or may beembeddeddirectly intohardware. ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE: A program written in assembly language it basically contain of a series ofinstructions- mnemonics that correspond to a stream of executable instructions, when translated by anassembler that can be loaded into memory and executed. For example, anx86/IA-32processor execute the below instruction as given inmachine language. Binary: 10110000 01100001 (Hexadecimal: B0 61) The mnemonic move it tells the opcode1011tomovesthe value in the 2nd operand into the register. Transforming the assembly language into the machine code is done by anassembler, and the vice versa by this assembler. In High-level language, there is usually aone to one relationbetween simple assembly logics and machine language instructions. But, in few cases, an assembler provides instructionswhich will expand into several machine code instructions to provide its functionality. Eachcomputer structureandprocessor designhas its own machine understanding language. Each instruction is simple enough to be executed using a relatively small number of electronic circuits. System may differ by the type of operations they support. For example, a new 64-bit (AMD processor) machine will have different structure from a 32-bit (Intel processor) machine. They also have different size structure and the different storage structure. Multiple collection ofmnemonics codesor assembly-language code may exist for a single instruction set, typically instantiated in different assembler programs. In thes e cases, the most popular one is usually that supplied by the manufacturer and used in its documentation. ASSEMBLER The advancedassemblercreatesobject codeby translating assembly instruction mnemonics intoop codes, and by resolvingsymbolic namesfor memory locations and other entities.The use of symbolic references is only the key feature of assemblers, saving tuff calculations and manual address. Most assemblers also includemacrofacilities for performing textual substitution. E.g.: To generate common short sequences of instructions to runinline, instead of in asubroutine. Assemblers are easier to write thancompilersforHLL. Advanced assemblers, like RISCbased architectures, such asMIPS, SunSPARC, and HPPA-RISC, it optimizeinstruction schedulingto exploit theCPU pipelineefficiently. There are two types of assemblers, based upon how many passes through the source are needed to produce the executable program. One-pass assemblers go through the source code once at a time and assume that all symbols will be defined before any instruction that references them. Two-pass assemblers create a table with all unresolved symbols in the first pass, and then use the 2nd pass to resolve these addresses. The advantage in the one-pass assemblers is about its speed, which is not as important as it once was with advances in computer speed and capabilities. The advantage of the two-pass assembler is that symbols can be defined anywhere in the program source so its an easier way to understand the user. Its results to the program can be defined in a more logical and meaningful way. It will make two-pass assembler programs easier to read and maintain. More sophisticatedhigh-level assemblersprovide language abstractions such as: Advanced control structures. High-level procedure declarations and invocations. High-level abstract data types, including structures, unions, classes, and sets. Sophisticated macro processing. Object-Orientedfeatures such asencapsulation,polymorphism,inheritance,interfaces. Heres how it works: Most computers come with a specified set of very basic instructions that correspond to the basic machine operations that the computer can perform. For example, a Load instruction causes the processor to move a string of bits from a location in the processorsmemoryto a special holding place called aregister. The programmer can write a program using a sequence of these assembler instructions. This sequence of assembler instructions, known as thesource codeor source program, is then specified to the assembler program when that program is started. The assembler program takes each program statement in the source program and generates a corresponding bit stream or pattern. The output of the assembler program is called theobject codeor object program relative to the input source program. The object program can then be run whenever desired. Earlier programmers actually wrote programs in machine code, but assembler languages or instruction sets were soon developed to speed up programming field. Today, assembler programming is used only where very efficient control over processor operations is needed. It requires knowledge of a particular computers instruction set. Historically, most programs have been written in higher-level languages such as COBOL, FORTRAN, PL/I, and C. These languages are easier to learn and faster to write programs with than assembler language. MICROASSEMBLER A micro assembler also called as meta-assembler. It is a kind of program which helps prepare a micro program to control the low level operation of a computer in much the same way an assembler helps prepare higher level code for a processor. The use of a micro program allows the manufacturer to fix certain mistakes, in hardware design also. Another means of employing micro assembler-generated micro programs is in allowing the same hardware to run different instruction sets. When it is assembled, the micro program is then loaded to a control store to become part of the logic of a CPUs control unit. Some micro assemblers are more generalized and are not targeted at single computer architecture. For example, the use of macro-assembler likes capabilities, Digital Equipment Corporation used their MICRO2 micro assembler for a very wide range of computer architectures. THE ASSEMBLER USED BY THE MICROSOFT (MASM) MASM is a Microsofts assembler and abbreviation used for it is Macro Assembler. MASM is a very powerful macro feature, and is capable of writing very low-level syntax, and pseudo-high-level code with its macro feature. MASM 6.15 is currently available as a free-download from Microsoft site. MASM is a one of the Microsoft development tools that are targeted 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. Versions 6.1 and 6.11 included Phar Laps TNT DOS extender so that MASM could run in MS-DOS. MASM will write in Intel Syntax. MASM is used by Microsoft to implement some low-level portions of its Windows Operating systems. MASM, contrary to popular belief, has been in constant development since 1980, and is upgraded on a needs-basis. MASM has always been made compatible by Microsoft to the current platform, and executable file types. MASM currently supports all Intel instruction sets, including SSE2. MAL (MICRO ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE): It describes about the lexical, syntactic, and semantic elements of the language, and gives a focus on microprogramming with the mic1 micro-assembler. Lexical: Most assembly language such as Micro-Assembly Language is a line-oriented language. Each micro-instruction is generally defined on a single line of the program file. The end-of-line is generally significant. It is a case-sensitive. For example, AND is a reserved word Corresponding to a bitwise operation of the mic1 ALU, while and is not reserved and may be used as a label Comments The comments will begin with two slash characters (//) and continue to the end of the line. Blank lines and lines consisting only of white space and comments are ignored by the micro-assembler. Directive Directives for the micro-assembler begin with a period character (.) and may contain alphabetic characters. There are two micro-assembler directives: .default and .label. Directives are used to provide guide the behavior of the micro-assembler, and do not correspond with words in the control store. Reserved Words The names of registers and control lines are reserved, as are the words if, else, goto, nop, AND, OR, and NOT. For the mic1 architecture, the following words are reserved and may not be used as statement labels: MAR MDR PC Fetch If Else goto nop AND OR NOT MORE ABOUT THE MICRO ASSEMBLER: Micro Assembler is Integrated Development Environment for assembly programming. Micro Assembler has a much easier syntax than any of the major assemblers, a great combination for beginners. Micro Assembler is a Windows based application so you can enjoy user-friendly Windows environment. APPLICATIONS Hard-coded assembly language is typically used in a systemsboot ROM(BIOSon IBM-compatiblePCsystems). This low-level code is used, among other things, to initialize and test the system hardware prior to booting the OS, and is stored inROM. Once a certain level of hardware initialization has taken place, execution transfers to other code, typically written in higher level languages; but the code running immediately after power is applied is usually written in assembly language. The same is true of mostboot loaders. Many compilers render high-level languages into assembly first before fully compiling, allowing the assembly code to be viewed fordebuggingand optimization purposes. Relatively low-level languages, such asC, often provide specialsyntaxto embed assembly language directly in the source code. Programs using such facilities, such as theLinux kernel, can then construct abstractions utilizing different assembly language on each hardware platform. The systemsportablecode can then utilize these processor-specific components through a uniform interface. Assembly language is also valuable inreverse engineering, since many programs are distributed only in machine code form, and machine code is usually easy to translate into assembly language and carefully examine in this form, but very difficult to translate into a higher-level language. Tools such as theInteractive Disassemblermake extensive use of disassembly for such a purpose. A particular niche that makes use of assembly language is thedemo scene. Certain competitions require the contestants to restrict their creations to a very small size (e.g. 256B, 1KB, 4KB or 64 KB), and assembly language is the language of choice to achieve this goal.When resources, particularly CPU-processing constrained systems, like the earlierAmiga models, and theCommodore 64, are a concern, assembler coding is a must: optimized assembler code is written by hand and instructions are sequenced manually by thecodersin an attempt to minimize the number of CPU cycles used; the CPU constraints are so great that every CPU cycle counts. However, using such techniques has enabled systems like the Commodore 64 to produce real-time3D graphicswith advanced effects, a feat which might be considered unlikely or even impossible for a system with a 0.99MHzprocessor BENEFITS OF IT: The micro programmed Data General Eclipse S/200 computer is available with a writable control store. The WCS feature of the Eclipse is having extension of the micro programmed control logic of the computers central processing unit. It allows a user to implement specialized instructions at a very low level. Its use is however, discouraged since Data General does not provide software support for the WCS feature. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Microprogramming with the Eclipse Computer WCS feature Corporation, 1974. assembly language: Definition and Much More from Retrieved 2008-06-19. NESHLA: The High Level, Open Source, 6502 Assembler for the Nintendo Entertainment System Eidolons Inn : SegaBase Saturn

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Developement Of Computers :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is no noun with the ability to represent modern life other than computer. Whether the effect is negative or positive, computers control nearly every aspect of our everyday life. Computers have evolved from bearing the role of strictly computing to having the ability of completing unthinkable tasks. Supermarket scanners calculate our grocery bill while keeping store inventory; computerized telephone switching centers play traffic cop to millions of calls and keep lines of communication untangled; and ATM’s let us conduct banking transactions form virtually anywhere in the world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Around five thousand years ago in Asia , a simple machine called the Abacus , bearing a system of sliding beads arranged on a rack such as ones found in a pool hall may be considered the first computer. Merchants used the Abacus to record their barter transactions. Its popularity began to fall when the use of paper and pencil spread particularly throughout Europe, its importance diminished.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Computers were looked at as a way to simplify large workloads into discreet tasks. The United States census of 1880 took seven years to tally. The fear of later censuses taking an even more absurd amount of time to count, the bureau turned to technology. An American inventor also applied the concept to computing. He fed cards storing data into a machine compiling the results instinctively. Punched holes in the cards would represent letters and number, a single hole depicted a number, while a combination of two holes portrayed a letter. This allowed the census results in six weeks. Not only did the machine remarkably decrease the amount of time the census took, but also the cards used represented stored memory of the census and reduced computational errors. It found its way into the business world founding Tabulating Machine Company in 1896, which later became International Business Machines (IBM) in 1924. After this point in history the evolution of the computer is began to become an increased desired area of interest.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first major interest began with the onset of World War II. A German engineer developed a computer to design airplanes and missiles. The British were also in the race of enhancing computer technology. They completed a secret code-breaking computer used to decode German messages. The existence of the machine was not uncovered until decades after the war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first all-electronic calculator was design by a Harvard engineer in 1944 who was working with IBM. The calculator was about the size of one half a football field and consisted of 500 miles of writing. It was called the Harvard-IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Fundamentals of Teaching :: Education Teaching Philosophy

Fundamentals of Teaching As a teacher, children are my primary focus and responsibility. While I am a teacher of history, I am more importantly a teacher of children, no matter what class I am teaching. To lose sight of the needs of children is the surest way to fail as an educator. To succeed as a teacher, I must remain focused on the students at all times. Children are surely our greatest assets. Their ability to grow is astounding – a well-taught child can make leaps that would not have seemed possible at the beginning of the year. While they are amazing, children can also be very difficult for a teacher who cannot keep them focused. Maintaining control of the classroom is vital – no learning can happen without control. While children can make the teacher’s life difficult, this should not frustrate the teacher. Education is, despite its difficulty, a vital task. Education prepares our children for potential success in a difficult world, a world in which education is vital. Ideally, education should also help to reduce the class inequality that is so pervasive in our society. It is my hope that, education can provide students with an opportunity to get out of poverty, instead of maintaining the poor quality of life that many students experience. As a teacher of history, it is also important for me to make history interesting and immediately relevant for my students. For too long, history has been taught as a boring mass of facts that students must memorize, repeat and then forget. Few students ever really remember, much less understand, the history that they learn in high school. Instead, they often hate history, and see it as a dead discipline and a waste of time. One of my goals as a history teacher is to change this perception and to make history an interesting and engaging subject that students will like. This will not be an easy task; however, I am dedicated to getting my students interested in history. In order to make this happen, my primary resource will be a higher-level approach to history. My students will be exposed to the causal nature of history, and asked to consider the causes and effects of historical events. My students will be able to place historical events in context and, as a result, will understand why they happened.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Theme of Loneliness in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men :: Steinbeck Of Mice and Men Essays

Theme of Loneliness in Of Mice and Men In the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck and the poem "Eleanor Rigby" by John Lennon and Paul McCartney, many of the characters are experiencing loneliness. When people feel lonely their way of lifestyle are different then that of someone's who's not lonely or them if they were not lonely. Also because they are lonely their actions are different. They portray this in both the novel and the poem. The effects of loneliness on people are displayed in the novel Of Mice and Men through the character of Curley's Wife. As stated, when people feel lonely their actions and way of life are affected. In the plot they show that if it wasn't for Curley's Wife's loneliness she may not have died the way she did. Because she is so lonely she goes to the other men in the bunkhouse for company. When all of the men refuse to spend time with her because of the reaction Curley has on this, she goes to the one person on the ranch that she knows will talk to her, the mentally retarded man, Lennie. While talking to him she asks him to feel her hair, which he does and this leads to her death by breaking her neck. If it wasn't for Curley's Wife's loneliness, she would have never gone to Lennie for company and she wouldn't have died on that day in that way. Because this happens in the novel and there are so many other lonely characters in the novel, such as Curley, Candy, Crooks and George in the end, the theme of the novel Of Mice and Men is loneliness and the need for companions. The affects of loneliness on people are displayed in the poem "Eleanor Rigby" through the characters of Eleanor Rigby and Father McKenzie. Through figurative language they show that Eleanor Rigby is very lonely and that she never sees many people. They say "Waits at the window wearing a face that she keeps in a jar by the door, who is it for?" Through this they show that everyday she puts on makeup, a face, that no one will see because she is lonely.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Dramatic Changes in the U.S. Intelligence Community Essay

Intelligence services of any country play a vital role in its security as well as in support of its national interests. The U. S. Intelligence Community (IC) today is a federation of about 16 separate governmental agencies (United States Intelligence Community, 2009) that monitor information worldwide and domestically in pursuance of America’s national interests. The IC has undergone fundamental changes since WWII, the 1970s and in the aftermath of September 11, 2001 attacks and the Iraq war 2003. Each of these fundamental changes in policy, organization and practice has had a profound impact in the workings of the IC. This essay examines the effects of the successive reforms carried out within the IC focusing on the above mentioned three periods of dramatic changes. The precursor to the Intelligence Community was the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) which was formed during the Second World War to coordinate the intelligence gathering and espionage activities of the single service intelligence services. After the Second World War, the U. S. government sought to change the predominant army orientation of the OSS. The National Security Act of 1947 established the Central Intelligence Agency that took over the functions of the OSS and charged it with collection of national security intelligence but no â€Å"police, subpoena, law enforcement powers or internal security function (Theoharis & Immerman, 2006, p. 156). † The aim here was to curtail the inflated powers that the OSS had gathered during the war time years. However, the reality of the Cold War forced the US government to promulgate â€Å"the NSC 4A of December 14, 1947, and NSC 10/2 of June 18, 1948 (Theoharis & Immerman, 2006, p. 158)† giving the CIA mandate to conduct covert operations. Thereon, the mandate of the CIA was increased to include sabotage, support of indigenous anti-communist elements and kill and depose leaders from Cuba to Chile (Kinzer, 2008, p. 210). The 1949 Central Intelligence Agency Act authorized the agency fiscal independence outside the domain of public scrutiny and administrative controls. The organization was also exempted from having to make public the roll call of its employees or where they were being employed. So the powers of the agency were vastly increased and congressional oversight reduced. Through the sixties into the early 70s, the CIA was at the forefront of covert war across the globe, undermining the Soviets and in the process becoming a law unto them self. Thus when Dr Muhammed Mossadeq of Iran nationalized British Petroleum, it was the CIA which helped the British to overthrow his government to establish Reza Pehalavi as their puppet (Paul, 2003, p. 14). In Iraq too, US intelligence services recruited in 1959, Saddam Hussein to take part in assassination of Iraqi Prime minister Qasim who was poised to hurt American oil interests in Iraq. Within the United States, the CIA was involved in hunting out communist supporters under McCarthyism that led to the arrests and incarceration of hundreds of Americans under trumped up charges. These internal actions of the IC made the community most unpopular with politicians across the spectrum. Nixon initially distrusted the agencies but soon saw their utility leading to a series of successful covert operations that helped in winding down the Vietnam War, Coup de etat in Chile, engagement with China and containment actions across the globe against Soviet expansion. Nixon later misused the CIA in getting the agency to obstruct FBI investigations into the Watergate scandal (1972). In Africa, the CIA carried out covert operations to oust Soviet influence. In the period right up to the early 70s, the IC was involved predominantly in conduct of a secret foreign policy and the administration then started having misgivings about the efficiency of the organization with its excessive focus on clandestine operations (Louis, 1987, p. 103). Therefore, in 1973, the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), James Schlesinger decided to reform the agency to make it more accountable and efficient. â€Å"He fired two thousand officers (Louis, p. 103)† and compiled a report on the (mis)doings of the agency in conducting political assassinations worldwide, and indulging in illegal surveillance of thousands of US citizens who had opposed America’s involvement in the Vietnam War. Though this report was supposed to be secret, it was leaked to the media that led to a series of investigations into the workings of the CIA by the senate (Church Committee), the House of Representatives (Pike Committee) and the administration of Gerald Ford (Rockefeller Commission) in 1975, which in turn led to the distancing of the CIA from its linkages with domestic politics. This also led to a formation of the Presidential Oversight Board at the White House and the United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence in 1977 to maintain oversight on the workings of the IC. President Ford â€Å"banned assassination plots against foreign leaders and tightened CIA and NSC approval procedures for the use of covert actions (Jeffreys-Jones & Andrew, 1997, p. 182)†. President Carter further tightened the accountability of the IC. The technicalization of the IC under the stewardship of Admiral Turner vastly increased the agencies ability to remotely eavesdrop on the global community but downplayed HUMINT leading to glaring weaknesses in intelligence collection in the field that led to the bombings of American embassies in Kenya, Uganda and the 9/11 attacks. The Intelligence Oversight Act of 1980 brought in more accountability in the workings of the IC, which included advance intimation to the Congress in case the IC was to be tasked for covert operations. In the Reagan years, the IC was actively involved in ousting the Soviets from Afghanistan. The IC played a pivotal role in supplying the Mujahidin arms and ammunition to defeat the Soviets. The Reagan administration, on many occasions willfully bypassed the Oversight Act as Vice Admiral Poindexter; Reagan’s NSA stated that â€Å"he had bypassed the intelligence committees in the Iran-Contra Affair to avoid outside interference (Jeffreys-Jones & Andrew, p. 189)†. This led to the 1991 Intelligence Oversight Act which required the President to give a written order for any covert operation. The various measures to instill accountability, and reduce the scope of its power hobbled the agencies which became too ‘gun-shy’ (Coll, 2004, p. 424) and failed spectacularly in detecting the 9/11 attack plan launched by the Al Qaeda. The 9/11 report clearly indicted the intelligence services for their failure to detect the formation of a coherent group like the Al Qaeda and its intent to attack symbols of American power within America (Kean & Hamilton, 2004, p. 341). The report pointed out to the deficiencies in strategic analysis against Al Qaeda, lack of imaginative thinking and the lack of coordination between the various intelligence agencies. The 9/11 report recommended sweeping changes to restructure the IC starting right at the top by replacing the position of Director of Central Intelligence with National Intelligence Director (Kean & Hamilton, 2004, p. 411) to oversee national intelligence centers and have the power to approve and submit nominations of individuals who would head CIA, DIA, FBI intelligence office and so on (Kean & Hamilton, 2004, p. 412). Since 9/11, the role of the IC in covert operations had increased vastly especially under the Republican watch, where greater leeway was given to the IC to carry out targeted killings using predator drones across Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The embarrassment of the false Iraqi WMD dossier, regret for which was proffered by then Secretary of State, Colin Powell (Shulman, 2008, p. 107) dented the IC’s image and there have been renewed calls for strengthening congressional oversight over the workings of the IC. The Obama administration has shown greater sensitivity towards adhering to the democratic tenets of oversight and following the rules set by the National Security Act in that the new CIA Director Leon Panetta, on first information, shut down a secret CIA mission to kill Al Qaeda leaders which was being executed without congressional approval (Hess, 2009). In conclusion it can be reiterated that the US IC has been undergoing dramatic changes since the Second World War mostly as a reaction to the changing circumstances. The reforms after Second World War were initiated to bring about better coordination, accountability and oversight by the government into the workings of the IC. The reforms in the seventies were a direct reaction to the excesses committed by the IC and to check their indiscretion and bring greater control over their objectionable operations. 9/11 gave a severe jolt to the American administration and the reforms that were then initiated came as response to the event as also a genuine feeling for the need to better harness the skills of the IC. Post Iraq War 2003, the clamor for oversight has increased as it was being felt that the agencies had deliberately misled the government by giving faulty intelligence that led to the Iraq war. On the whole, the drive to initiate reforms in the IC has been more reactive in nature rather than being proactive for dealing with future threats. Works Cited Coll, S. (2004). Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden. NY: Penguin. Hess, P. (2009, July 15). House Lays Groundwork for CIA Probe. Retrieved July 21, 2009, from Washington Post: http://www. washingtonpost. com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/07/14/AR2009071401648. html Jeffreys-Jones, R. , & Andrew, C. M. (1997). Eternal Vigilance? : 50 Years of the CIA. NY: Routledge. Kean, T. H. , & Hamilton, L. (2004). The 9/11 Commission Report. Washington D. C. : Supt. of Docs. GPO. Kinzer, S. (2008). All the Shah’s Men. NY: Wiley. Louis, G. (1987). The New American State: Bureaucracies and Policies Since Worl War II. Baltimore: JHU Press. Paul, J. A. (2003, November). Oil Companies in Iraq. Retrieved July 6, 2009, from Global Policy Forum: http;//www. globalpolicy. org/component/content/article/185/40586. html Shulman, S. (2008). Undermining Science: Suppression and Distortion in the Bush Administration. Berkeley: University of California Press. Theoharis, A. G. , & Immerman, R. H. (2006). The Central Intelligence Agency Under Scrutiny. Westport: Greenwood Publishing. United States Intelligence Community. (2009). Members of the Intelligence Community. Retrieved July 21, 2009, from http://www. intelligence. gov/1-members. shtml

Friday, August 16, 2019

Definition of Literature Essay

Literature has many meanings but to me when I hear the word literature I think of large tomes of words and stories that have become classics over time however this is only one definition of literature. Literature comes from that Latin word littera, that directly translated means letter, thus supporting the idea that literature is written. This view however leaves out the idea that there can be oral literature as well from which many of our stories and books come from. The main form of literature, the book, has had a great impact upon the formation of our society today. Before the 1940’s TV had not come into being yet and there was not much else to do other than read books. Thus books formed my grandparents and to some extent my parents and, although I grew up in the generation of TV, books as literature have indirectly formed me as well. There also can be forms of artistic literature such as poetry or play writing. These also play an important part in literature, I believe, such as Robert frost’s poems or the works of Shakespeare the playwright. These are great authors, whose literature is not in the form of a great story or a moving novel, but in irregular works that have stayed with us for a long time many years. I believe that one very good definition of literature given to us in class is that literature must have certain qualities such as plot, characters, tone, symbols, conflict, point of view, and many other elements working together in a dynamic relationship to produce a literary work. This pretty much defines the way that most people see literature today. This allows for oral traditional stories as well as for the irregular forms of writing such as plays and poems that can also have plot, characters, tone and the other elements mentioned so that they can be deemed a literary work. I think that literature is very important and can be a lot of fun too if you let it be. It is a good mind exercise so that after you have watched too much TV you can stretch your brain a little by reading a good novel or collection of poems. Literature is an important part of any society and will be around for a very long time no matter how much technology advances.

The Hidden Power of Their Intense Fragility

Almost every human being born on our planet was given a gift of romantic love at least once in a lifetime. Being in love is the condition when even the most hardened pragmatics feel themselves capable of temerarious deeds in order to impress their beloved, to make him or her smile. And during this period, most of us, people dream about writing a poem in honor to of the object of passion. Many of us even write the products of this inspiration down, but after reading them, we understand it’s no more than a bunch of words linked by that little understanding of rhyme most of us possess. Fortunately, Edward Estlin Cummings didn’t belong to that talentless majority. His poems dedicated to the beloved women brought joy and pleasure not only to their hearts and minds, but also to the souls of thousands of the worshippers of poetry. Quite a bunch of love poems went out from under his formidable pen, but the one, called ‘Somewhere i have never traveled, gladly beyond’ is one of the most well-known ones. Scientists argue for whether his once wife was the inspiration for this work of art, or it was some other women, but still this piece of poetry expresses the things most of the man would like to say to their beloved woman, but couldn’t find the words to do it. Some men are afraid to fall in love with a woman, as they feel as the object of their feelings will be able to take control of their life. They are afraid of that ‘power of †¦ intense fragility’ that every woman possesses over the man who loves her. Edward Estlin Cummings wasn’t scared to be possessed by those hands, which are smaller than the rain’s, it’s rather that he gave himself into the hands of his bellowed woman, getting all the possible positive experience from this condition. When I first read this poem a word for the woman, described in the poem came to my mind, which was â€Å"mistress†, a woman, whose power is in her fragility. This poem is written by a first person narrator, the author describes his own feelings towards the object of his passion. The author of the poem is marveled by the impact that woman makes on him. Thus, the tone of the poem is admiring and even a little worshipping. The person who decides to get acquainted with the Cummings’s poems should remember that this writer uses an extremely rich imagery system in his verses. Some of the researchers even claim that â€Å"the love poetry of E. E. Cummings is well known for specifically using flowers to describe a woman's sexuality or the innermost `self. †(Everything2 Website). And it’s true, that in the ‘Somewhere i have never traveled, gladly beyond’ he uses two main image systems which are human anatomy and nature. He compares his woman with flowers in order to emphasize her tenderness and beauty. One more characteristic feature of Cummings’s poetry which’s clearly expressed in the ‘Somewhere i have never traveled, gladly beyond’ is paraphrasing. The writer sometimes ignores the rules of the English language in order to express his feelings, to make the reader understand better the feelings and emotions that overfill him. The unconventional sound of his phrases make the reader return to them again and again in order to understand why the author had organized his writings in such a way, which gives the reader better chance to understand the message expressed by the author. As this poem is a lyric, and it’s written in an open form, some critiques say it is of no great value, but most poetry lovers value the artistic and imagery filling of the poem much higher than its conformity to the common poetry standards. In the first four lines of the poem the author explains he feels that the object of his feelings possesses the knowledge of something the writer never had any idea of, something really simple, but impossible to understand for him, ‘which (he) cannot touch because they are too near’. The next quatrain tells us this woman is capable of revealing the deepest feelings and thoughts the author has just by being near him. In the next eight lines the poet explains the nature of her power, which’s her ‘intense fragility’. In the closing quatrain Cummings tells that her beauty is one more source of her power. ‘your slightest look will easily unclose me though i have closed myself as fingers’ – the poet writes. In this lines the concept is expressed that has been proved by the experience of centuries. Through all the history of the humankind, which was created, as it’s officially thought by man, women had influenced all that crucial decisions that changed the lives of millions of people on the Earth. It often happened that the mistresses, wives or sultanas were those, who actually ruled the states because of the tremendous influence they had on their man. The older I become, the more I understand about the woman’s influence on their husbands, sons and brothers. My mother has never openly opposed any of my decisions, even if they were wrong and harmful in her opinion. She always agreed with my claims at first, but than, gradually, she made me think about the reasons why I wanted to do this or that thing, and about the consequences of my actions. Her ‘intense fragility’ was the way she used to make the man in her family act sensible and rightful. The men have always been the thrillseekers. The nature of this longing is nowadays explained by the biologists and genetics, but women knew that for thousands of years, maybe even on some subconscious level. For the man to be interested with the woman her eyes should ‘have their silence’ ‘somewhere (he) have never traveled’, ‘gladly beyond any experience’. And it’s quite understandable for me, as in my opinion the communication between the partners should enrich both of them, and it’s impossible when they knew each other thoroughly. It is said that all of those, who are deeply in love, are like the blind, they are sick with their happiness. The man, who loves is ready to get the star from the night sky for his darling, or to dedicate her wonderful poem. Those, who are really in love, are really happy, as they know for sure they’ll be together forever. Edward Estlin Cummings and his wife Anne Barton got divorced in a year after this poem was written. Their relationship didn’t survive the period needed for the ink this poem was first written with to fade. Still, today, dozens of years after the death of the poet, his wife and their relationship we open the book to read: ‘the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands’